Risky Conversations with Jamie Lee

Why You Don't Need to Overwork to Get Promoted (+Live Q&A)

Jamie Lee Episode 36

You don't need to overwork to get promoted as a woman in the workplace.

Neither do you have to bend over backwards to make sure everyone else is comfortable and happy, while you feel frustrated and resentful in your career.

You can equip yourself with simple, actionable negotiation strategies to improve your perceived value and make confident requests that get you on the growth track faster, not later.

In this episode, I'm sharing the live Q&A portion of a recent negotiation workshop.

To get your free (updated and expanded) e-book How to Ask for a Big Pay Raise, come to JamieLeeCoach.com 

As a coach for women, I'm super passionate about helping smart women who hate office politics get promoted and better paid. 

I do this through my unique combination of: 

  • Self-directed neuroplasticity tools backed by science 
  • Negotiation strategies proven to work for women by academic research 
  • Intersectional feminist lens that honors women’s real, lived experiences 

To learn about my 1:1 coaching series and to book your free hour-long consultation with me, click here: https://www.jamieleecoach.com/apply

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Welcome to Negotiate your Career Growth. I'm Jamie Lee, and I teach you how to blend the best of negotiation strategies with feminist coaching so you get promoted and better paid without burning bridges or burning out in the process. Let's get started. 

Hello. In this podcast, I'm sharing with you the q and a portion of this week's negotiation workshop on how to articulate your value. Uh, it went super well. It was well attended. 

We had amazing attendees and great engagement. And I wanted to share with you, uh, the q and a part because, you know, some of you might find these questions relevant to you, and you'll also hear me summarize, uh, the key points of the workshop, the key things that you can start working on right away, as well as the key strategy that I taught in this workshop. You're gonna get the summary of that in the q and a portion.

Now, before I, um, share the q and a portion, here are a few things I want to, uh, share as is sort of like setting the context. I think there is a problem in our world, which is that thousands and thousands of smart, competent women are overworked, under, promoted, underpaid in the workplace because of these factors. 

Number one, unconscious gender bias and internalized sexism in people of all genders at many levels of organizations. 

And number two, gender socialization. As people socialize, as women, we have been conditioned to think that we're supposed to keep our heads down, make everyone else feel happy and comfortable, and that we should never brag, that we should never, you know, think big for ourselves or to even own decisions about what we want and what we can ask for in our careers. That's a big one, right? 

Which leads to the third factor, which contributes to lack of skill and practice.
You know, when we're not conditioned, when we're not socialized to own our value, when we're not socialized to, um, to advocate and negotiate for what we want, then of course we lack the skill. 

Then of course, we lack the confidence. And so this contributes to the ongoing problem of smart, competent, capable women who have the potential to lead and who have the potential to do good in the professional arena, getting overworked, burning out under promoted in the workplace. 

So this is a problem that I am working to solve and helping women one at a time. And sometimes I host these workshops because, you know, I wanna help as many people, as many women as possible learn the skill, the tools, the strategy, the simple strategy that they can implement right away. 

But, you know, somebody just asked me, why do you, why do you get a thrill for helping women in this way?

Why, why is that a thrill for you? And here's how I answer that question. I get a thrill out of solving this specific problem. You know, the problem of competent, capable women being under promoted because the same problem used to plague me in my former life as an employee when I worked as a buyer, then later as a hedge fund analyst, and, uh, operations manager and director at startups. 

And I get a throw because this is really about reclaiming our agency, our choice, our power to create change in seemingly intractable situations by gaining more agency, gaining more influence over our own brains, right? Harmful socialization has affected how we think about ourselves, how we think about our negotiation, confidence negotiation outcomes, right? And so we're undoing that by reclaiming the agency we have over our own brains. Yeah, and our, which leads to the skill, which leads to the habit building, right?

Which leads to new, uh, results and getting promoted faster, getting better paid. But also as a woman, as a daughter of a single mom, as one of three sisters, a Smith College, which is an an, um, which is a woman's college. As a Smithy, I really do believe, I believe that in my bones, that women, women of color, marginalized identities, women are the, are one of the most underutilized resources in the economy. 

We have so much to offer. I believe that the working world is starving for women's leadership that's grounded in self-love and rooted in a desire to serve the world. And for that reason, I am gonna continue to host these open, uh, negotiation workshops. So if you miss, uh, this week's, don't you worry, just come on over to jamie lee coach.com. 

You'll not only get the new updated, expanded, uh, book of scripts on how to ask for a pay raise with some of the key points that I taught in the workshop. So if you missed it, you wanna like, Hey, what did I miss? Come to my website and get your free ebook. Get on my newsletter list, and I will make sure to keep you posted on future events. And for now, I hope you enjoy this q and a portion of articulate your value negotiation workshop for ambitious women.

And let's summarize, right? You wanna interrupt patterns of avoiding appeasing, attacking yourself. You wanna build confidence by taking stock of your contributions. And you wanna build intentionally the skill of self-validation, the skill of celebrating for yourself, feeling proud of what you have done, feeling proud of the impact that you are creating now and into the future, right? You wanna get smart, you wanna get strategic in how you shape your perceived value because you bring professional value. 

There's no denying that. But how is that value perceived? Like one of my clients, she was surprised when in coaching she realized she did not need to do more work. She thought that she had to work really hard and perfect these spreadsheets and reports and analyses. She thought that's how she's gonna get promoted. But in coaching funeralized, actually, it was more about doing some strategic communication and being seen in a way as a solution provider, as somebody who has a solution that's gonna help the company achieve their future goals.

That's all she had to do. She have to like, and I, I'll tell you exactly what she, what it was, she, she created, um, uh, uh, an opportunity for people to come to her and ask questions. She set up office hours and she was shocked. She's like, oh, yeah, that's how I grew my perceived value. I did not have to do more work or try to perfect these things, burn myself out. 

I just had to engage people and be seen in that way as a leader, as a solution provider. And so when you do this, your self-advocacy becomes an act of service. And I wanna tell you, this is a concept that is proven by research. Harvard and these leading business schools, Ivy League schools, have done research on gender and negotiation. And they have found that when women use communal benefit, right? In other words here, our shared goals, and here's how what I'm asking for helps us achieve our shared goals.

Not only are the parties, the negotiating parties more satisfied by the outcomes, it helps to improve your perception as a leader. It helps you be seen as a leader. So you get promoted while being appreciated for how you have communicated and taking credit for your contributions. And also, we get curious, we get curious about their perspective. We get curious about that. No, not furious, right? 

Having agency in your emotions means you have agency in the negotiation process and doing so, you build muscle for creative problem solving and you get past, no. So all of these things are the things that my work on inside the one-on-one coaching series. These are the results that my one-on-one coaching series is designed to help you create. And if that's something that you would like for yourself so that you can habit habitually change the, um, well, let me, let me rephrase that so that you can change how you habitually advocate and negotiate for yourself.

How habitually you show up as a leader, how habitually you take risks in your career, how habitually you offer solutions. And you initiate and you aim, engage with decision makers, stakeholders, influencers, so that you grow your leadership pre presence so that you grow your self-confidence. If that's what you want, you're invited to book a free 60 minute blueprint to confidence session. It is a consultation, and you are going to gain clarity on what a coaching series with me will look like. So you can make the best decision for you. 

So if you scan this QR code, if you're watching this on your desktop, you uh, bring up your mobile phones, scan this QR code, it's going to link you to this u r l candidly.com/jamie lee slash consult, where you'll be able to book time directly on my calendar. Here's what you get in the consultation. You get a safe and confidential space for you to connect with me one on one, where you get guided through an intake, kind of like when you go to the doctor's office, so that I can assess for you the best strategies and tools specifically that's going to help in your unique situation, including the ones that I didn't get to in today's presentation. And you get to assess, you get to decide whether coaching is a slam dunk fit for you or not. That's ok.

And what do you get inside the coaching container? You get my unbiased, personalized perspectives to help point out your blind spots to help clarify your goals, both short term and long term. So you know exactly what you need to do this week, this month, this quarter, to help you secure that promotion that raised for 2023 and beyond. You're gonna build lasting self-confidence that people are going to acknowledge and notice, you know, that. And sometimes people call that leadership presence. 

And you get to create results you want without making you wrong for being who you uniquely are without shaming you for your intuition, your spidey sense, without trying to squeeze you when you're, you know, well-rounded person without trying to squeeze you into a square peg. So I'm going to open up the floor to q and a, see, some people have already popped in some questions, but I'm open to all the questions. 

And again, to dive deeper with me on ev, anything that we discussed today or anything that is re related to your, um, self-confidence, your self-advocacy, your career strategy, I invite you to book your free consultation with me today. Okay? So you see the q and A box, I'm going to go through them one by one.

Okay? Somebody says, I have written a negotiation letter, was ready to send that. A friend sent me your podcast yesterday. Mari Soul, I appreciate you, I appreciate your friend <laugh>. Yes, I have a podcast. It's called Negotiate Your Career Growth. And, um, I dive deeper, uh, into, you know, how you can navigate or negotiate around unconscious bias in the workplace. I've, I've, I, I teach specific, you know, strategies and tools. I teach what I teach my clients in that podcast. So, um, thank you for listening. And she says, today's workshop was this strategy being aligned. Very, very cool.

Okay. So some Marisol says, I need to speak to new VP that took over our team. And in the midst of that, my manager left the VP does not understand what we do and has hired consultants to leave them or department of three, right? So this is again, how the strategies that I've suggested in my presentation will come into play. You wanna get curious, what do you suppose the VP most cares about? And if you're not sure, you can open, like, engage and ask that VP a question. What do you most care about? 

What, what are your core concerns, right? Help me understand what is the, um, ideal outcome of you hiring these consultants? Cuz obviously he's already doing it. So what, what is the end goal that he has in mind, right? And I think this could be an opportunity for you, Marisol, to articulate to the VP in a way, in language that he or she would understand.

I, yeah, I don't wanna assume anything about this VP's gender, maybe they're non-binary. But, um, sometimes when, you know, this situation has happened, uh, to my other clients too, when something like this happens, you wanna, instead of like thinking about it way you would have with your manager who would've been more, uh, more mindful, more interested in the day-to-day and the details in, in the nuance of what you do, you wanna start think about like, okay, what does the VP wanna hear? 

Is it about how he, you know, talks about this with the president? Is it something that is an initiative that you have not been exposed to? So you wanna get curious and engage in that conversation so that you can tailor that conversation that you have with the VP or the consultants in a way that is most conducive to them understanding the value of what you have to offer.

Somebody anonymous says, I vacillate between Tiara syndrome, perfectionist fantasy, mainly Tiara. Yeah. And it is not your fault, it is not your fault if you experience Tiara syndrome because we have been conditioned, like every Disney fair Disney fairy tale that I have watched over and over again, every time I was taught as a young girl to be quiet, to be nice, to be obedient to, you know, not speak out of turn right? To, you know, um, I, I was born in South Korea, I'm an immigrant. And in South Korea, the patriarchy is like real, you know, uh, it's very patrilineal like, you know, um, the, the inheritance laws, it favors men. Um, I, I hope it's changing. I don't know. But yeah, I recall like, you know, boys were socialized to be outgoing and, you know, and, and to be, to be more assertive and to, and to see themselves as in control of their situation.

But as, as young girls, as young women, I was socialized to see myself not in control. So think about that Tiara syndrome, perfectionist, fantasy, comfort fallacy who ends up with the control over your, your voice, your, your choices, your decisions. Who ends up with that control when you let yourself just, you know, stay. When, when, when you don't take yourself out of that mindset, it's the patriarch, it's somebody else, right? 

So it's, so when we become aware of it, we make new choices, it's reclaiming control. And studies have found, psychologists have found that when you have a sense of control in your life, in your career, when you have that sense of agency, you are more likely to negotiate. And the more you negotiate, the more you get. So thank you for sharing that anonymous. Okay, I'm just going down. So, Brandi, as, should we explicitly ask management whether we're adding value?

And I wanna say yes, and it's a nuanced yes, it's a nuanced ask. <laugh>, it's a nuanced, yes, you want to get strategic, you wanna get curious, right? So I'm just gonna, right, you have, you have taken stock of your contributions, you have gotten curious about what they most care about, what their concerns are, and you're clear on what your goal is and how your goal can also help them achieve what they want. 

Think about it. If you get to work remotely, I imagine that some of you, you, you notice that you are more productive, right? When you have less distractions and you're like, I guess I just get more stuff done faster, right? That helps the company achieve their goals. Yeah. And so when you're cognizant, when you have done this work in this sequence, after you have articulated your value in a way that is, yeah, here, it's when you have articulated your value in a way that is resonant, right?

That is acknowledging their core concerns. Yes. That's when you can explicitly ask management whether they agree that you are adding value. It's sort of like pinning them down <laugh>, right? Because even if people are unconsciously biased against women in the workplace, if they agree that you are adding value, and that's what the workplace is about, that's what compensation, that's what promotions are about. Okay? Then now you agree, right? I'm adding value. This is why I'm bringing my request to the table. This is why, let's, let's have a conversation about what I want because it's gonna help me be even more motivated. It's gonna help me be more clear on being committed to these goals and to achieving them.

Brandi, you can find my podcast on, uh, my website. You see my, uh, URL is here, jamie lee coach.com. Uh, you could also go directly to podcast dot jamie lee coach.com. I don't yet offer a group session, but thank you for asking. I really appreciate, uh, people, you know, suggesting that. And, um, I'm gonna keep thinking about it, right? 

But for now, uh, this is what I offer because, um, and the reason for that is because I wanna create, you know, the most safe, the most confidential space where you can come and you can tell me anything. You can tell me about what your boss and you're unhappy about it, you, you can let me know what your thoughts are. You can tell me, you know, do you wanna leave? Do you want to stay? Do you, do you wanna, do you have all these thoughts? Like you can tell me anything, right? And for now, I feel the one-on-one container is where pe where making can really just let themselves be seen, heard, acknowledged, because they know no one else is in the room, right? It's just me and you. But yes, I know, uh, there are some great, um, group coaching programs, and I have also benefited from group coaching. So I'll keep thinking about it and maybe I'll offer next year. Stay tuned.

Christina, thank you. Uh, just graduated from college. I feel like I lost my confidence. How do I regain my confidence and not let this affect my job search and intervene? You're very well spoken. I admire how you speak, Christina. I can totally relate to you. When I graduated from Smith College in 20, no <laugh>, 2004 <laugh>, it's been almost 20 years ago, um, I didn't have as much confidence in myself, right? I, I really, this, everything that I teach is because I went through the ringer with not having confidence in myself. I went through the ringer with not knowing how to advocate for myself, not knowing how to negotiate for myself. And here's, here's something that could help, that might help, is that I remember when I had just graduated, I was so full of expectations and, and thoughts about how I was supposed to be.

I had so many, and, and, and that's because I wasn't questioning the inputs. You know, when I, when I look at magazines or when I read articles online about these like business titans and amazing women in business, and like, am I supposed to be like that? And I would unconsciously continue to compare myself, and then I'm like, oh, I'm not good enough. I can't, I can't complete, I'm, I'm not gonna be this amazing person who's gonna be on the cover of Fortune magazine, uh, before they're 30, right? And so I, I wanna offer, like, for me, I think that was something that was really erosive, corrosive to my confidence. And so I, I wanna encourage you to think about like what if who you are, what if what you are and the experiences that you have right now, there's nothing wrong with it, right? And everyone's journey is different.

Everyone's journey is unique. You have no idea. I'm kind of talking to my younger self right now. Like, I had no idea that the people who are on those glossy magazine covers, you have no idea what they're going through on the inside. You don't know if they're thinking like, oh my gosh, I'm putting up this, you know, this facade, but inside I feel all shabby and said, you, we have no idea, right? So I want you to think about like, what if, what if I can give myself acknowledgement for, for where I am right here, right now, right? How can I give myself acknowledgement, appreciation for, for the small steps, that 1% step that I'm taking today, right here, right now? Okay. Anonymous says, can you elaborate more on the details, content of your coaching program? How much are the sessions? By the way, if you go to this link, you'll get the answer.

And also, um, the detail, the content of my coaching program, this is another reason why I offer one-on-one, because every coaching program, every coaching, uh, relationship is a unique relationship. Like, I have clients who want to work on, um, you know, they, they wanna work with me so that they get promoted into partnership. And so we work on how do you build that presentation confidence? And I have clients who are working through chaotic reorg at their company, and they just wanna feel more grounded. They wanna feel more in control. So they, they make the decision that's right for them, and they, they feel more confident in that process, right? And so every coaching relationship is unique and different. That's why I offer this consultation, because I mean, yes, I can offer that in general, right? These are, these are things that pretty much we work on for every client.

Intra patterns, build new neural networks, build new, you know, um, neuroplasticity in your brain, new ways of being, thinking, feeling, you know, overriding just all the conscious and the mind chatter, but really rewiring the unconscious patterns that you have that you want to change, right? And building self-confidence from the inside out. 

Getting strategic and getting smart, right? Getting smart on what you want, getting strategic on what you want. And what is, what is the quickest way to getting that without overworking, without, you know, avoiding, without appeasing, without beating yourself up. And how do we get more curious so that you grow your leadership presence and get the growth, achieve the growth that feels satisfying and is sustainable for you? So anonymous, thank you for the question. And, um, if you go to that link, you'll have more information. If you book a consultation, I'll be able to walk you through and offer you your unique blueprint to confidence and help you see if this coaching is a slam dunk fit for you or not.

Nicole says, I'm just gonna read this through, it's a little bit lengthy, okay? Just left my job for, um, taking the time to reset and figure out what I want to do next. I don't think I adequately articulated my value before I left. Now that I'm going to be interviewing for new roles, some of which have asked for former supervisors contact information, I left in a professional manner and former boss has expressed willingness to be of reference for me. So, okay, I, I have some thoughts. I'm gonna, I'm gonna read the whole thing and then I'm gonna offer you some thoughts. Just question their integrity and judgment. I'm not sure what's the best way to engage with them. Now, is it appropriate to try to re-articulate my value after the fact? Of course, of course. And it's really interesting, Nicole. So Nicole left her job and 7.5 years of transition strain on her self-esteem.

It was tumultuous. You know, she, but so interesting. Those are your thoughts about what those, the, you know, how we perceive the past experience is through a filter of our opinions, our filter of our conclusion about what those seven and a half years were for you, right? But so interesting, even though it was all those things in your mind, your former supervisor, your former boss, expressed willingness to be a reference. So fascinating because if it was truly toxic and bad and tumultuous, right? Like why would they do that <laugh>, and I wanna consider that's not all of it was toxic. Yeah. And, and also how you see you is filtered through, you know, what you call strain on your self-esteem. But how your super, your former supervisor, your former boss sees you, we don't really know, but we do know they're willing to be a reference.

I know you question their integrity and you don't really trust their judgment, but, you know, you might get curious about like, Hey, you know, let's have a conversation. Let's, let's, here are the things that I think I did too. Well. Oh, okay. Wait, wait, I'm, I'm thinking a little too fast. I'm <laugh>. I I think first before you have a conversation with the former supervisor or a potential new employer, I think you wanna first have a conversation with yourself, right? Because I understand your self-esteem, you know, is, and, and yeah, that's a tough place to be. And here's what I know from having been a, where I felt like I had very little self-esteem, right? When I was like getting sick all the time and like stressed out and anxious, just that I unconsciously become biased against myself and what I unconsciously become biased against myself.

I unconsciously block out certain memories and I'm not the only one. All human brains do this. Human brains are filters, right? And I block out certain things that that did go well, right? That I did do well, the instances where I did create value. Yeah. And so I think that's the first thing. Even before you have the, uh, conversation with your former boss or anyone else, it's like, no, let's, let's question that filter. What have been the things that you did do? Well, I'm gonna tell you a story. I used to work as a hedge fund analyst about, oh goodness, many years ago. About a decade. <laugh>, no more than that. Um, gosh, 13 years ago. And I had very little self-confidence. I'll tell you more about it in a future email, okay? I have very little confidence. And I was the only woman, the only girl on the trading desk.

I hated being called a girl. Like I'm a snippy, we're women, right? And I get sick, and I didn't really understand what my true value was to that organization cuz I'm like, I don't really, I don't really have an interest in finance and trading and hedge fund strategies. I'm like, oh, this is not a fit. And then I heard somebody mention, you know, Jamie's the only person at our firm who can speak English, Japanese, and Korean, and we can tell our investors that we have a trilingual analyst. And that was like less than 1% of my job, but I didn't really know that was of value because it helps to grow the hedge funds perceive value. So I guess, Nicole, I'm, I'm telling you this story because I, I wanna, I just wanna help like nudge you out of this mindset that like, that, um, that it was all toxic or that it was, you know, what if you were of more value than you might realize in this moment?

And what if your former boss recognized and saw it, right? And that could be one reason they're, they're willing to be a reference. And that could be one reason why, you know, they're like, no, Nicole, like we let her go. But yeah, I wanna keep supporting her and, um, I think I'm rambling, so I'm gonna stop <laugh> there. And yes, it is always appropriate for you to, your value to yourself, like from a wider perspective, right? So that you are more equipped with the, the confidence to be like, you know what, yeah, it wasn't such a great experience then, but now looking back, I was actually of more value than I realize.

So let's move on. I hope that was helpful. And again, if these are some of the results that you want, I invite you to book your free consultation with me. All right, anonymous says, I left the hostile work environment several years ago, and getting back in the game is challenging. Yeah, I bet. I can imagine. I wanna be sure that I advocate for myself from the outset. So to be sure I'm in the best environment possible. I love it. Yes. Any tips for fresh conversation? Started to turn the page with a manager who has been pretty clear, my contributions haven't aligned with his, I guess an inquisitive question, but what I'm used to being appreciated and seeing for the first time in my career, I'm misaligned and losing confidence. Perfectionism and tiara are two patterned. I need to bust things for naming them a fellow Smithy. 

So, um, I, I would encourage you to think about like there was an elephant in the room, anonymous Smithy, right? If elephant in the room that there is alignment, and what if you address it, you called it out. Just, just like that. Say, Hey, you know, my intention here is to work with you. I want to be aligned so that I, you know, so that I am adding values, that I am helping you and the company achieve goals that we have together, right?

What, what are we, what am I missing? Where could the misunderstanding or the misalignment be? I mean that, I think that that would be a question that I would want to ask if I were in your shoes. And here's again, here's a tip for you. Before you have that conversation with the manager, I would encourage you to ask that question to yourself first. Like, I sense that there's a misalignment. And if I were to trust my guts on this, if I were to trust my intuition, where do I, what, where do I think a misalignment could be? Where could that misalignment be? Right? And so that this way, when you go to that conversation with your manager, you're saying, Hey, this is what I think, but I'm also willing to hear your thoughts. I mean, I, I'm genuinely curious. I'm here to listen, right? And anonymous says, will we get the recording?

Yes, you will. Yes. You wanna re-listen before the consult. The session has triggered a lot of things for consideration. I'm glad. I mean, let's, we're in coaching. That's what we'd be like. Okay, let's bring it up and now let's work through it. Let's come to a resolution. Let's, let's, let's arrive at solutions that work for you. Jerry just booked a consult with me next Monday. Thank you so much for your podcast and for this webinar. You are most welcome, Jerry. I most look forward to speaking with you next Monday as well. I love it. All right.

Brandy says, for the Smithy who is misaligned, is it possible she's in the wrong environment? I think we should be wary of contorting ourselves to fit into the wrong, wrong role, especially if it doesn't align with our career goals. Yes, Brandy, I think that's a really valid point. Yeah, you know, I, I think that's a really valid point. It could be, yeah. I mean, one solution, if you really feel like there's a misalignment, it's like maybe there could be a different role. Like one of my clients, um, her win for her her win was extricating herself. Getting herself out of working with a particular manager whom she felt was always cutting her down, was not supportive. Like she did not enjoy working with this particular manager. And it took a lot of guts for her to advocate for herself and say, I would like to be removed from this project.

She was met with pushback. That particular manager, you know, made some comments. And for her the win was not, not like giving in. It wasn't like folding in or conceding or assuming, oh my gosh, she said these things and they must be true. No, they're coaching. She developed the wherewithal to be like, oh, that's just her opinion. I drive my career. I am plenty valuable. Yeah. And so Brandy, thank you for, thank you for bringing that up. I think that's a really, really valid point. Yeah. So I invite y'all to like a free consultation with me if you wanna dive deeper. Jerry, I look forward to speaking with you next Monday, uh, anonymous. Smithy, thank you so much for your comments and your question. Um, and um, Nicole and Christina, Cassandra, Paige, Sasha Jahanara, I hope I'm saying your name right, and please excuse me if I'm not Marisol has Hana Cassan, Cassandra, I said your name. Tracy. Yeah. Awesome, awesome. Okay. So unless there's anything else, any other question?

Yeah, Brandy, I look forward to speaking with you too. Yeah. Awesome. All right. So I guess I want to leave it with, the world is so far from perfect. It is broken. All we have to do is look outside the window. I'm in New York City, so there's a little bit of Canadian wildfire smoke outside. I can see it up, you know, in my outside the window. The world is far from perfect. So are your managers, so are our workplaces. That doesn't mean that we give up, that doesn't mean that we concede the power that we have to speak up to create change, to advocate, to negotiate, to create opportunities for the kind of growth and satisfaction that we can have in our careers and in our lives. And that's why this work is so important to me. Yes, closing the wage gap that needed to happen like a hundred years ago, we're still working on it.

Yeah, it's important. But more than that, it's about how can women, how can smart, competent, ambitious women, how can we manage what we can manage? How can we affect change? Where we can effect change, starting with our own brains, starting with our communication, starting with how we engage with people, starting with how we see ourselves in control and empower of our careers and our lives, right? So that we do take those risks so that we do engage in conversations so that we do feel more confident, so that we do have more ease. Yeah. And I think it, it, it's something that will create this ripple effect of change, starting with our own satisfaction, right? Having, having moved ourselves from, from anxiety, regret, feeling like, you know, we're not good enough to like, no, I do know I am enough. I do know that I am a value just as who I am, so that the world doesn't have to change, but we do. And when we do, right, when we change our brains and we change our behaviors, we change our negotiation, we change our self-advocacy, we change our leadership. Now we're better equipped to help people who want the change that they want. We're better equipped to help heal, to help fix the world.

And if you want expert guidance in your corner to help you achieve greater self-confidence and greater career satisfaction as you grow your skills and negotiating, leading, and influencing as a woman professional, I invite you to book your free one-on-one sales call with me to find out how executive coaching can help you do exactly that. The link is in the show notes. Talk soon.