Risky Conversations with Jamie Lee

3 Savvy Scripts to Negotiate Your Salary + Coaching Demo

Jamie Lee Episode 59
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00:00 | 14:19

My dear listeners, you are cordially invited to my upcoming webinar The Art of Negotiating Salary, Resources, and More on Friday, April 19th.

Register right over here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_igVx-tx0RzOR7RMtpMB7Pg

If you’re listening to this AFTER Friday, April 19, 2024, fear not. You can subscribe to my email newsletter right here: https://jamieleecoach.activehosted.com/f/1 
Subscribe and you'll get: 

* E-book "How to Ask for a Big Pay Raise" which includes salary negotiation scripts my clients have used to secure $50K, $100K+ in pay increases

* Resource guide: 50+ things you can negotiate in your career

* Replay of Articulate Your Value: Negotiation Workshop 

* More tips, case studies, and webinar invites

Here’s my why: 

Your negotiation success is my professional pride and joy. 

Lets not wait. let’s get you started right away. 

In today's episode, I’m sharing 3 savvy scripts to negotiate your salary. Then I’m going to share a coaching demo where I helped a client implement exactly threse three savvy scripts. 

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