Risky Conversations with Jamie Lee
Everything that's rewarding is on the other side of a Risky Conversation.
In this podcast for professional women, we have honest talks about topics often considered taboo or "too risky" at work -- salary negotiation, mental and reproductive health, office politics, social injustices, and unconventional ways smart women navigate their path forward despite a flawed and sexist society.
Join me as we dive deeper into these risky yet rewarding conversations, embracing the growth they bring.
Risky Conversations with Jamie Lee
From Insecure to Growing Your Income (Client Case Study)
If you don't want to get bogged down by insecurities in your career, you won't want to miss my workshop on Tuesday, November 15, 2022 (You can watch the replay here).
The workshop is about how to bounce back, so you can reorient yourself and create momentum in the direction of the career growth you want.
In this podcast, I'm giving you the context for why I'm hosting this workshop -- from both a personal and client perspective.
I'm also sharing a client case study for what's possible when you bounce back in your confidence and clarity.
In this podcast, you'll learn:
- The key lesson that helped me bounce back from career setbacks, failures and disappointments
- Why you can grow your income and impact, even if you often experience self-doubt and anxiety
- How a client is quadrupling her income after bouncing back from feeling insecure as a first-time manager
Book your free 60-min consultation, where I'll help you bridge the gap from where you are now to where you want to go in your career. I guarantee you will leave with your custom blueprint for going from insecure to growing your income and impact. https://www.jamieleecoach.com/apply
Featured in this podcast:
- Bounce Back Workshop on November 15, 2022
- How to secure your raise with zero objection on Instagram (1 minute reel)
- Get your free e-book "How to Ask for a Big Pay Raise" on JamieLeeCoach.com and get on my newsletter to stay up-to-date on tips, invites, and more
- Read the full transcript of this episode here.
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- Email me at jamie@jamieleecoach.com
Hello, hello. I’m recording this podcast on November 11, 2022, and I’m extending an invitation to a live workshop and open coaching session I’m hosting on Tuesday, November 15, 2022.
So if you’re listening to this in the future and missed the event, please do not be disheartened, I promise there will be more invitations.
The workshop on Tuesday, November 15, 2022, is on how to bounce back. How to bounce back from dips in self-confidence, and the inevitable “slings and arrows” of working with other people. It’s totally free. The registration link is in the show notes.
Today, in this podcast, I want to give you context for WHY I’m doing this free workshop -- from a personal perspective and client perspective. I want to share a client case study for what’s possible when you bounce back in your confidence and clarity.
So let’s start with the personal.
The truth is… [laugh] I’m a bit scared to share this.
Which is that on more days than I care to admit, I wake up filled with dread and with the temptation to stick my head in the sand, or run away from the responsibilities of life. I know we all feel this way sometimes.
I used to think this meant there was something fundamentally wrong with me. That I wasn’t cut out to achieve my dreams.
But I’ve bounced back over and over again from my insecurities, even when they seemed to materialize in career setbacks and gut-wrenching disappointments.
Here are some examples.
12 years ago, when I got a job at hedge fund I bungled my salary negotiation and ended up earning 50% of the going market rage. when I found out that I was underpaid, I felt gutted.
Here’s another example.
9 years ago, I got hired as a sales rep at a company that a woman I admire and consider my mentor founded. I was really thrilled to be working with her, then in a matter of months I quit, because I saw the writing on the wall. I knew I was gonna get fired because I didn’t meet her expectations. I felt gutted, even heartbroken.
There’s also been numerous setbacks and many mishaps and failures since then.
When I was younger, I’d get bogged down with self-doubt, and insecurities when this happened.
But I got older and became a coach, I started bouncing back faster when I learned to stop shaming and blaming myself… to stop making me wrong for being human.
A human who has blind spots.
A human who makes mistakes.
A human whose brain is wired for negativity bias.
A human who sometimes feels scared, anxious and doubtful, even as she makes her dream come true.
To you, having career satisfaction, a greater impact and income in your career may be your dream come true.
To me, coaching women and helping them bounce back, IS my dream come true.
I am making my dream come true, and as a woman and immigrant, I’m also living the dreams of my ancestors…
Even still, I get scared, anxious and doubtful. And I use the coaching tools I use on my clients on myself to help me bounce back. I do daily.
I do it faster because I know I’m just being human.
Humans are resilient. Humans have feelings, both good and negative. Humans face adversity. Humans bounce back.
Also in you is the uniquely human capacity to bounce back and make your dream come true. Especially when it feels hard.
I want to give you an example of what’s possible when you bounce back in your confidence.
But first a caveat. The client case study I’m gonna share with you is not meant to be used against you.
Here’s what I mean by that. Please don’t tell yourself, oh my goodness, I’m not good enough because I haven’t yet achieved what this random person that I heard about in a podcast has achieved. Please do not use the case study I’m about to share to compare and despair.
What my client has achieved is a result of where she’s in her life and where she's at in her career. And the decision to make an investment in herself and get coached, as well as the decision to take risks.
Let’s acknowledge that it’s totally ok for you to not be where she is in her life and her career, it’s ok for you to own that the decisions and risks my client has chosen to take are not the decisions and risks that may make sense for you.
My intention in sharing this case study is to help expand you thinking about what’s possible when you bounce back from feeling small.
With that in mind, I want you to listen to this with these questions in mind:
- If I can bounce back in my confidence, what might be possible for me to achieve?
- What might I ask for and what would I make possible, as a resilient and resourceful human being?
So here’s what one of my clients is doing right now…
She is quadrupling her income… yes, you heard that right.
4Xing her annual income. In this economy.
At a high level, there are three key things she did, as a result of coaching:
1. She made a case for her raise in a way that led to the CFO and CEO of her company saying yes with zero hesitation.
As much as I’d love to take credit for this win, I’m gonna be transparent and say that the coaching was mainly about shifting her mindset from “It’s greedy for me to ask,” "I should settle for less" to “the value of my contribution far outweighs what I’m asking for.”
If you want more tips on this, please check out podcast episodes 1: Self-advocacy is an act of service through number 3: Value articulation clinic.
So once my client’s mindset shifted, she came up with a brilliant strategy to securing the raise with zero objections, which I explained in a recent Instagram Reel (link: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cjp-EXXMVrL ).
2. Boosted in her confidence, she started a side business, and through coaching, she thought through how it can be set up for sustainable and scalable growth.
She got her first client, did the job so well, they offered her a year-long contract.
3. Here’s the third thing she’s going to do. Because she learned the key principles of negotiating for herself and gained experience and confidence in asking for the raise, And because she got coached to see herself as a company founder and CEO, not just a contributing employee, she’s going to negotiate a rate befitting a company CEO.
And the beautiful thing is that she has the confidence to do this. It is as good as done.
But as hard as it is to believe this -- when she first started coaching with me a few months ago, she was feeling bogged down by self-doubt and insecurities.
She worried that being a remote worker and first-time manager meant people didn’t see her as a decision maker.
Through coaching, I helped her see that she didn’t need to be fixed (or fix other people) to embody the belief that she IS a leader. A decision maker. The authority in her subject matter.
As soon as her perspective shifted, her confidence bounced back.
That’s when she started taking action -- asking for the raise, setting up the side business, and negotiating as CEO -- which is going to quadruple her income.
If you’re listening to this and shaking your head, saying, “Whoa, I don’t know if I can do that..” I understand. I've not done that either. It took me years to quadruple my income.
But I understand that with everything going on, it’s never been easier to get bogged down with self-doubt.
When you’re bogged down, you forget how resilient, resourceful and capable you truly are, and you can’t see everything that is truly available and possible for you. At first my client didn’t either.
But I believe humans are capable of change, capable of bouncing back and so I’d like to help you bounce back, in your confidence and clarity.
My intention is to guide you back to your inner compass -- where you feel grounded and in control, so you can navigate your path forward, even in the times of uncertainty and unprecedented change.
Join my free workshop on Tuesday 11/15 at 3pm ET.
You'll be able to raise your virtual hand to get coached live by me, 1:1.
Or you can also watch others get coached, and apply only what resonates and makes sense to you.
In either case, we will mastermind together for how you can bounce back with greater resilience, confidence and joy.
Yes, this call is free.
There's no catch. This isn't one of those webinars you join, learn something you already know for 20 minutes and get sold on something for 40 minutes.
At this workshop I’m going to teach core principles that help me and my clients bounce back.
And there’s going to be straight up coaching, meaning you'll have me -- someone who's been guiding hundreds of women to promotions, raises, and career satisfaction for six years -- in your corner, helping you see new perspectives and strategize for the path forward that works for you.
If you like the coaching session, you can of course book (another) free 60-minute 1:1 sales call with me to see how private coaching can help you achieve your career goals.
And you don't have to, if you're not yet ready for a 1:1 coach.
My ask is that if you think this workshop can be of value to anyone else you know, please share the invitation.
I hope to see you there and talk to you soon.